Not to worry about writing on the same topic.

Knowledge is never captured and will not go stale.

Soheil Alizadeh
4 min readJan 20, 2021
A spiderweb between fences out in the woods.
Photo by Sandro Shugladze on Unsplash

Words don’t flow because of the fear that they might be already out there? Many writers might be blocked out from their creative zone by the thought that what they are attempting to write about might already be available out there. But this is not what it might appear to be. The nature of an ongoing tradition, wisdom, teaching, or stream of information is of a kind that keeps it infinitely open to new ways of expression and brush-up opportunities to be brought back to the surface in the right way. In certain views of the cosmos, some might spend lifetimes working on the same topic and streams and perfecting them through ages of reference and attunement. Try approaching it from a more timeless point of view. What you are working on is new, creative, and cutting edge ideas. You are a unique point of awareness with an infinite capacity of observing this universe while constantly being in a flow of creative concepts and ideas. So if there are a thousand articles about a certain biochemical compound, a folk story, or a philosophical concept out there, don’t be afraid to be the one thousand and first way of expressing the same or a similar concept. Every truly innovative or radical concept out there surely can be observed, expressed, and understood from anew. You will have your audience, and your movement will add to the dynamics of that specific stream of wisdom. Your pen has a flavour to it unlike any other out there!

A skeletal, neurological, organ scan of an upper body with raised hands.
Photo by Camilo Jimenez on Unsplash

The evolutionary path of every being shows us that newer, more complex structures wouldn’t have been available if the simpler earlier versions of them weren’t there. Schools of thought, traditions, and ways of mastering skills can only take their natural evolutionary course when they are constantly referred back to by critical thinkers, writers, and developers. The basic terminology and belief systems might share a lot but the ways that their applications are suggested, or the details are explained could evolve over a period of repeated refining through development. What we consider “Knowledge” is but the residue of the process of what we actually aim for. It’s merely what we are left with after trying so hard to grasp the infinite potentiality of any one way. Any attempt made in that light might end up modifying the already existing knowledge for the better or produce fresh first-hand experiential data.

Someone looking at frames pieces of artwork on a blue wall.
Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

Without humans being involved in any one path of mastery the teachings might be lost, if not simply outdated, and machines might get into unbreakable echoing loops of their own feedback. Human intervention is the factor that keeps more subtle systems in different arts and sciences up to date, evolving, and efficient. Any writer brushing up on any given topic while doing a fair amount of reading and critical thinking; will not only keep the available content out here up to date and refreshed; but will also probably become a more integrated human by absorbing the information that is processed through the production of that content and applying them to everyday life. Innovation is not always an uncontainable genius that suddenly dawns on humanity out of nowhere and is out of every day ordinary consciousnesses reach, it is very much embedded in the gradual, patient, and slow (even though it is exponentially accelerating all the time) process of concepts being developed on top of concepts, abstract and concrete. Not having a sense of security in expression only because we might think a topic is already written or talked about out there is possibly how we lock ourselves out from engaging in this symphony of evolving timelines of novelty.

A set of twisted white electric wires.
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Opening up titles over and over, sharing them in community, restating the thoughts differently, or adding new things to the terms; paves the path for the further unfolding of these facets of the collective intellectual neural network. Go ahead and refine, rewrite, rethink, and represent.



Soheil Alizadeh

Creative and enthusiast in written and visual content, writing socio-cultural articles, from self-improvement, to inspired living.