Don’t ebb, Be in The Flow All the time.

Practical ways that you can stay in your flow full-time.

Soheil Alizadeh
4 min readJan 18, 2021
A guy surfing a wave in the ocean
Photo by Drew Farwell on Unsplash

Long ages of persuasion that every high comes with a low and every happiness crashes is a form of conditioning that human civilization has long been a victim of. We do the hard work while waiting for the end of it and once we are done, we fail to enjoy the moments of peace that come. We worry about the next round of hard work. For some reason we have come to accept that we cannot be on top of the world “All the time”. We absolutely can.

A car burning in flames in the middle of nowhere.
Photo by Matt Hearne on Unsplash

When things seem to be falling apart, push them so they can fall harder, then blow up the whole scene and shoot the cameraman.

Wait, we are not promoting guns and anarchy here. This dramatic visualization and fear digging technique is one of the most powerful mental techniques that you can use when you are confronting blockages. What is blocking you out? Think about it. Overthink it, take the time you need to contemplate the guts out of it. Then imagine a situation a hundred folds worse, then accept that. You will inevitably find yourself in a happier place. Sometimes our minds get pessimistic and constantly lean towards negativity. When we consciously guide our thought patterns to the worst-case-scenario we might realize that the spooky thoughts are not that bad after all or that we could still have a life even if what we fear the most happened. Usually, doing this practice brings you back to the space of your highest potentiality which keeps anything undesirable from happening really!

The way is the same. But the tracks shift.

A guy is looking at the waves crashing on a cliff.
Photo by William Rouse on Unsplash

The eternal flow never really stops. If you are planning to get in a flow of writing for three hours straight and just can’t help stopping at the hour and a half point. There might be expectations of how we want it to flow, but if you really want to enter that eternal state of being, go with it, what is happening as you stopped writing? Take all the time; There is no rush whatsoever. Once the haste spell is broken and we are back in the center of the idea of having enough time for all that we want to do, we are automatically back on track! Maybe a shower, maybe a long stare at the ceiling with background music, you do life, and time takes its natural course.

Having a flexible value based approach to each moment!

A hand tattooed with the flower of life patter holding a smaller cintrine geo cluster.
Photo by Spiral11 on Unsplash

I love goals and resolutions. When I write them down, even when I’m too hard on myself and everything seems to be stuck, I usually end up with a good deal of harvest from every cycle of goal setting and following up. As they say: “Aim for the moon, and you might hit a star.” or something like that. As powerful they are , they can also very easily pull you under a lot of pressure if you don’t know how to approach them in a space of natural compassion. Sometimes what we really need is to have a continuous, sustainable, and worth living value system. Points of significance in our lives. Instead of focusing on the map, we focus on the sign posts. For instance a sustainable lifestyle is the desired state. A way could suggest jotting down all the steps and goals and plans to make it happen. It is hard to follow an action plan like that for some people. A couple ripples of the human component and the natural world could cause massive feelings of demotivation and discouragement. The value based view would instead give us a pair of goggles to use on a moment to moment basis. Right now, how can I live to be aligned with the dreamed picture? Oh yes, I buy the product with less plastic in it. Or I talk even gentler with my friend. Now we are both aligned with a vision, and equipped with a tool that would help us stay on the waves of the ocean more comfortably!

The triangle of values:

As you are sitting, relax your mind. Take a look at your surroundings. Feel your torso and bring your awareness to what you are doing once again. With your eyes open or closed meditate on three virtues that you desire in your present manifestation of life. Imagine living through a triangular tunnel held together by these three virtues. These are the lines of the flow that will lead you to your vision, without the pressure of goals and action plans. At any moment, take a deep breath and step back into this value system. Live from here and there would be no need to ebb! You are no longer on the way to something that will get farther if you go the other way. You are a vehicle, your timeline is flexible and mobile.



Soheil Alizadeh

Creative and enthusiast in written and visual content, writing socio-cultural articles, from self-improvement, to inspired living.