Apply the seven hermetic principles to your daily life in modern times.
This article is about a topic that is sensitive in terms of science and pseudoscience, consider reading this short article here for more information, or simply read with an open mind.

The Hermetic tradition is an ancient way of looking at the world said to have come from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth in Egypt or Mercury in Roman mythology). It is looked at as the key to unlocking perspectives towards life allowing profound magical and mental transformations for a more empowered way of life. These teaching are based on the sacred texts of the Emerald Tablet and the Kybalion, alongside ideas and principles developed over centuries from masters to students and initiates. Today we are looking at the seven principle concepts of hermeticism and how they can be integrated into everyday life in modern 21st-century humanity.
The Principle of Mentalism:
All there is, is taking place in a supreme plane, the mind of The All. The manifestation of physical reality as we experience it is but an image in a higher plane of consciousness that encompasses the full experience. The mentalism principle reminds us that the universe is after all a mental creation and things, as we perceive them to be in separate “forms”, are mental projections and the nature of the universe is formless.
Either you are looking forward to finding a parking space, or reprogramming your mind to nail those final exams, you can use this principle to co-create your destiny in the mind of The All.
“And as all things have been and arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.”
From Newton’s translation of the Emerald tablet.
The art and science of manifestation has long been of great importance in the ancient and modern traditions of esoteric knowledge. All things come from the meditation of this One Mind. All things are interconnected and thoughts, emotions, and ideas are an integral part of the denser reality and affect how the three-dimensional experience is assembled when coming in contact with the observer. The observed and the observer emerge from the same point, at the same time. Practicing meditation and visualization is a way that we can influence this process consciously and work on ourselves and the reality of the experience at the same time for they are not separate.
Let’s look at Jerald for instance:
Jerald is looking forward to launching his own business in the art industry. He has never sold a single painting and he is making a giant leap in his consciousness during his walk of life. His mental projections of the universe (the reality he is living) are not yet compatible with how he wants to live life. His headspace has never allowed for someone to pay the equal amount of a couple of months of his rent for one of his oil paintings. Jerald is determined to make his dreams come true and wants to use the Mentalism principle of the hermetic tradition. He starts by meditating on the image of being an accomplished artist. He sits down and envisions himself having earned enough money from painting for the year to come. He can feel how he would feel if a series of his work was on the walls of a gallery for exhibition in The Real Time ‘Now’. He feels the joy, power, and inspiration of people admiring his work. He feels the security of his profession deep in his being and is sitting with the feeling of success at this eternal moment. He is letting go of himself to come across a parallel reality in which he is an Artist. Visualizing and encouraging the mental state of the desired image of reality tunes our minds to be in harmony with that certain lifestyle and ultimately sets us on a mutual path with the universe leading to the point we meditate on.
Can you meditate forever and simply get what you asking for?
Yes, and No. First give it a try, after quieting the mind in meditation and invoking the desired mental image, the ambition, determination, and inspiration flowing in as a result of opening up the creative channels of the mind are so revitalizing and motivating that when the meditation is done to contentment and perfection, it is an irresistible movement towards the destination. A part of it happens subconsciously by changing our deeper perspectives towards life, and the rest would be inspired action that will feel much more effortless than the state before the meditation practice. No pain, no gain is an ancient piece of wisdom for all of us to benefit from, this practice helps us make sense of the pain and programs us to work smarter and in alignment, not suffering from pointless “hard work” and have its results blocked out because of the old attitudes that are not serving us.
The Principle of Correspondence:
As above so below… The principle of correspondence is a map that allows us to work with life in segments and observe results in the whole paradigm. This concept can be applied to virtually any part of life, not necessarily the opposites. As you do the inner work through meditation and mental practices, the outer world will change, The circumstances will manifest as more favourable towards the destination and it would be easier to see the bigger picture.
We can practice Correspondence in everyday life by visualizing how would our daily tasks in different environments look like if our wildest dreams were realized.
Jerald wants people to respect art, look at life differently, live from passion, and buy his paintings. It sounds like almost an impossible task to transform every single mind on the planet to a state of inspiration (just as impossible as always being in the state of inspiration. As we will look at under the principle of rhythm), with hermetic teachings, impossible is within reach. If Jerald wants to influence the paradigm through correspondence, he would soon realize that the more he looks at life from a space of passion and inspiration and passion, the more often he comes across people who are doing the same. If he wants people to look at art as an inseparable part of an inspired, high potential living, he needs to cultivate this worldview in himself. By changing the way he looks at others’ pieces of art and taking steps towards supporting the artists out there on the same plane as him, he uses the principle of correspondence in his favour. Based on this principle the universe is a fractal mental image, meaning every small part of the path, is in harmony with the whole path. The universal balance is of unbreakable harmony, if he takes steps to transform the unfolding of the microcosmic parts, the macrocosm aligns instantaneously.
The Principle of vibration:
Everything moves, Nothing is still. The universe is an ocean of inseparable wavicles, constantly emerging and decaying, blending, and individuating. The only stillness perceivable in the universe is the void nature behind the mind of The All. Everything after that is always in a constant dynamic state of change and movement. By keeping the waters flowing, and the mind flexible, we have a chance to move in this experience in a way that attracts more of what we want. You are vibrating, and so is the universe. By vibrating the way you would vibrate if you were living your dreams, the universe would vibrate in a way as if you are living your dream (based on the principle of correspondence). Emotions are how we make sense of this reality and one of our biggest vibrational tools. Our thought patterns and feelings affect our vibration, and ultimately, the way the universe moves to meet us.
Let’s look at Jerald again. If he had all his dreams come true, he would be in a state of creativity, ease, inspiration, and happiness. The more time he spends vibrating in these vibrations, the easier it is for the universe to facilitate a flow in which Jerald can move with ease towards his dreams. There are techniques like meditation, physical exercises and rituals that he might use to come to that state of vibration. He might have his ways to boost his mood, creativity, and focus.
You might notice that your state of mind and perspective towards the world is dramatically more open, and focused after let’s say a good workout session, or reading a book you find aligned with your flow for an extended period, or journaling. Whatever tool we use, as long as it brings us to the state of vibration in which we would be when our life is ideal is a way to manifest our passions through the principle of vibration.
The principle of polarity:
Everything is dual, everything has poles. The same way that the only still point is beyond this reality in the mind of The All, the only non-dual point rests there as well. In the three dimensional manifestation that we are working with, everything appears in a spectrum obeying the law of duality. If you can feel high, there is most certainly a low existing as well. The fear of acknowledging the low, the bad, the sad, the not-desired, can bring vibrations low and manifest the situations of the lower aspect. Shedding light on the fact that it simply is how the universe works and opposites emerge together, allows us to “hold space” for the undesired opposite side of the spectrum. Otherwise, there would be no other way for us to realize that these other poles exist without experiencing them directly. As we expand our consciousness, we come to a place where we can experience these aspects by not experiencing them. Stretching our horizons opens up enough space for the highest dreams to come forth as reality. The roots and the branches are connected to the same core, Branches can only grow higher when the roots grow deeper. To a root, higher is the heart of the planet, to branches higher is the sky. The poles can manifest in different concepts, but they are always of the same texture, they are opposites, and one of them is the way to the destination, even if the right one is the path of non-duality, it still rests on the opposite side of duality. By coming to the light of seeing the full spectrum and working on expanding it, we can come across ways that we can move towards the desired pole, or bend our ways so that they are aligned with the polarity of our mental creation.
The principle of Rhythm:
Movement from one end of the spectrum to the other is the path for all on the plane of existence. Like a pendulum, when it moves, when it ascends to one side, it would unmanifest if it doesn’t ascend to the other side. Understanding and applying the principle of polarity allows the hermetic initiates to consciously affect their flow in a way that is more aligned with their highest potential within the movement of Rhythm. It equips them with “Bigger Picture” goggles. The effects of moving towards the other end of the spectrum can be soothed by swinging masterfully. If the movement happens in harmony with the highest potential and design, then even the lower becomes the right way to go. Ultimately for someone who is on a path, There is no wrong way to go, the path, and the one who walks it are inseparable, there comes more path and steps are taken; steps are taken, and there is more path (this is given that the person has an established sense of right and wrong for themself, It is more of a should I go to university or backpack Europe kind of deal, there is no way to go wrong). seeing this bigger picture allows us to feel more in harmony when things are seemingly not working out, knowing the pendulum has no other way but to swing again.
The Principle Cause and Effect:
Every action triggers a response. Through meditation, creativity, and observing the natural course of events, one will see that everything that happens, trigger something that happens as a result of it. A response and a reaction are not to be confused. The body of the snake is not the result of the head of the snake. The unfolding of events takes place in the infinite creativity of the mind of The All. Every Thought, Emotion, Deed, alongside all that is not Thought, Felt, Done sends out a call to the universe to be answered (just like an always turned on anthena). aligned with the vibrations put out or not put out. Every decision is a thin line between all the possibilities that were not chosen and the chosen possibility that came to be. The sum of the vibrations of all these possibilities creates space for the universe to respond in accordance. Once this process is understood and absorbed into the subconscious, it becomes a tool for manifestation.
Jerald, finally sets buying a piece of art for his room by another artist on his list of priorities and observes how doing this, causes a ripple effect in the universe. He might even observe some instant synchronicity as he is choosing how to take action to trigger the right vibration for the effect.
The principle of Gender:
At the first look gender and polarity might appear indistinguishable, yet gender is more of a set of qualities, they don’t necessarily come in sets of two, yet are used to balance each other. Elements, Natural forces, Energies in the vibrational field are all wholes that encompass a series of genders. Water nature is a gender alongside wood, metal,earth, and fire in Taoism. Matter and Energy are genders, they complement each other, yet they are not necessarily opposites and can be balanced in each other’s presence. Embracing the genders as they are experienced and balancing them or reinforcing them on the path to our highest potential is a way to use the knowledge of genders.
Jerald comes across an obstacle, this time he chooses to change his way and find another path to the same destination. He is embodying a water nature. If he is aware of how the experience is unfolding, he can consciously choose to embrace it. Now after this event, he might want to come to a wholesome balance, by burning through the next obstacle, by a fire nature, pressing on until the obstacle is worked through and the argument is won and the other side recedes, or he might want to master the water nature by reinforcing the way he has already dealt with the experience. These mental categories of genders and psychic forces help us navigate experiences that cannot easily be energetically categorized and help us carve out the self we want to embody more efficiently.
Some teachings are timeless, their wisdom is woven into the fabric of reality and the human experience itself. Hermeticism, Taoism, Meditation, Indigenous teachings, alongside a myriad of other accessible resources to human souls. We can refer to them and drive wisdom from them at any given point on our journey. Thank you very much for taking the time to look into this elaboration of hermetic principles for daily use. You are powerful.